sabato 19 febbraio 2011


Please, take 20 minutes of your life and see this masterpiece. Ok, is completly in italian, but maybe you can try to find however the meaning...I know that you can!
Cosa sono le nuvole means what are clouds and this is an episode by Pier Paolo Pasolini, part of a collective film by different directors (Capriccio all'italiana. 1967)
How magic is the voice of Domenico Modugno?!

thank you Fabrì

mercoledì 16 febbraio 2011

martedì 15 febbraio 2011

too many pictures? ..not enough for inflatables

Inflatable tank, WWII

Jose Miguel de Prada. Centro di pattinaggio. Siviglia

Parco Sempione, Milano

Inflatable building, WWII

Water walk, 1969. Leisure water vehicle. Eventstructure Research Group

Airground Mattress, 1968. ERG:  Jeffrey Shaw and Theo Botschuijver

Tree Pavillon. ERG. Theo Botschuijver

Waterwalk Tube, 1970. ERG. Theo Botschuijver and Jeffrey Shaw

Waterwalk Tube, 1970. Groningen. ERG.Theo Botschuijver and Jeffrey Shaw

sabato 12 febbraio 2011

Cibo - Food - Essen

Sometimes I cook a, everyday I cook a lot! The reality is that I love to cook, I love to see how the food can be transformed by the hand and how this process can be different from country to country.
Another problem is that almost everyday, I feel the need to eat something sweet especially in the night (I know I'm sick), so I prepare cakes, pastries, cookies ecc ecc because I don't like to buy sweet things at the supermarket, I never know what's inside, fat, dyes, preservatives....brrrrrrr, but I confess, the only thing that I can't resist to buy is Nutella. Nutella for me is like a drug, I'm not joking, and for this I buy it only one time in 1-2 mounths (this is the limit that I set and up to now is working good). But this is another story...and shit, the limit that I fixed doesn't mean nothing because anyway I eat a lot of trash every day...

Crostata di riso e cioccolato

Budini di riso


Of course, our italian traditions are strong and visible and the most part of our dishes, but we are (especially zett) open to discover all the other recipes come from other places.
It's hard to find good italian ingredients here, and the german traditions is...brrrrrrrrrrr... and this is also why we try strange and ethnic combinations, but if you want in any case to eat a good pizza, you can come around nine pm on wensday or saturday every weeks at our place.

 Cestino di pane con insalata mista

Pseudo borek casalinghi

Gnocchi di patate

 Filetto di rana pescatrice con melanzane ed olive


lunedì 7 febbraio 2011

Bäckerei Ladewig

Oggi ci sono 10 gradi, il sole...insomma proprio il classico tempo berlinese di inizio Febbraio.
Ringraziando la nostra stella fortunata, ci siamo concessi una porcata in stile tedesco e siamo entrati in questa simil pasticceria, ripeto in stile tedesco e quindi con niente grande meno e contenente meno di panetto di burro.
L'odore è favoloso, le dimensioni inquietano, ma siamo stati coraggiosi e ci siamo buttati in un Riesenpfannkuche con marmellata di prugne inside di circa 16 cm di diametro (non sto scherzando) ed un apfelkrapfen di circa 19cm diam.
In pratica un suicidio.
Non me ne vogliate, non conosco esattamente la traduzione di riesenpfann ecc, ma sembra essere una specialità berlinese, cioè che solo qui le fanno di queste dimensioni.

Tutto questo per festeggiare la carie che ho scoperto ieri sera di avere, con mal denti annesso.

Fate voi la proporzione commessa/Riesenpfann (che sono chiaramente quelli in alto a sx)

Bäckerei Ladewig, Oppelnerstraße 4-5, Berlin

domenica 6 febbraio 2011

A change is gonna come

In theese days a part of Berlin was on fire. One of the oldest and biggest squatter house of the city was closed on the 2th February, and in the same days, of course, started the fight on the street. For two days all the neighbourhood  has been under siege, windows of shops and banks were cleaved, the streets and the stations were full of police.

I'm sad...I mean, I'm definitely not an activist, I have never been a part of a squatter house and I don't know exactly what's meaning that kind of life, but I know that I'm  complete agree with the principle that been under: every human being has the right of housing!

One of the most important reason because I love Berlin is 'cause in this city you still can breath a feeling of freedom, and is not easy feel something like this in this period. After many many years of division and fight now the people here need to feel free and are very open to the different cultures, different people and languages...the first time that you are here you can start immediately to hear this feeling. And the squatter house of Liebigstr was a symbol of this feeling, an house for all the people that don't have the possibility to do something, that are alone in the city and need a place to stay.

Every year in Berlin the police evacuate squatter house and know, last summer Bar 25 was closed, only a famous example...

I'm not agree with the fight of these days, because the people that fighted has created damage also to a part of the city and citizens that don't enter for nothing with these kind of problems...but shit, of course they have the right to try to resist!!

Berlin is a pearl and also the rich men restart to recognize this...