venerdì 14 gennaio 2011

The abandonment map of Florence

Visualizza Mappa dell'abbandono a Firenze in una mappa di dimensioni maggiori

Florence is worldwide famous for its amazing history and for its architecture..and it's right..the city is wonderful!..completely boring, but wonderful..
the mentality of the typical inhabitant it's closed, definetly CLOSED: he thinks that Florence is the best city in the world and nobody should do anything to change it. It's like a painting..This is our biggest problem. the mentality. 
To comeback an interesting city Florence should change for first its mentality, and then all the rest. Should find the courage to think we are in the XXI century and not five hundred years before...and do, do and still do!
The only thing the city does is to build a lot of new buildings, in the suburbs...amazing ugly architectures built with junk old italian story.

But, this year after almost 30, it's the first year I feel a willingness to change, to modernize and to think and design directly for the citizen! I feel good as never before and I have to thank this new administration and its fresh mentality.
The abandonment map made by :esibisco. is a way to show how many amazing buildings are left die instead to recover them or to give them a temporary destination, for young and creative people, homeless, families without an house..ecc

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